Kate's Sister

This is a photo I took with my i-Phone this evening as the sun was setting and a natural prismatic array landed on this photograph leaned against a bookshelf in our living room. This is a photo of my Great Grandmother Kate Clevland's sister, Maggie. Here is to you Maggie!

Remember - You live as long as your name is spoken.


I feel like I am setting off on a new chapter. Not that this one is finished, or the number of chapters in my life is somehow determined. Just when I think I am toward the end of the book the pages multiply or demand that I go visit a previous page for reflection or palimpsest. 
Pages once empty overflowing with chaos in search of order.
A better problem to have than blank pages.

I am off to meet the mystery.


So Romantic

This is from the Lexicon/World Altar series a few years back (Late 90's?)
It is actually a very romantic concept for the skys to open up and to be whisked off, somewhere over the rainbow, to a place without human trappings or hate, fear or technology.
Until then, we are going to have to work it through. Right here. Right now. Around the world.
It would be so sweet to be picked by the heavenly team, like some line up in grade school and getting picked first. But I fear that we are stuck with ourselves, at least for now. To mow the lawn, clean up our messes, and face the stresses we have all created. 


I have had a couple of different conversations lately about unusual cross training. I went through a fairly intense period of sugar work back in 2002/3. I miss it! We built both monumental sculptural forms and designed an edible candy line. We had a blast. It is hot, dangerous, temporal, tempremental, fragile, intense and can be beautiful. 

It's not exactly a common form, and it takes a lot to get rolling, but it is such an amazing medium.

 Terry doing the heavy lifting as usual